Staffed around the clock, our team of experienced multidisciplinary consultants and emergency specialists are qualified to receive patients at any time and treat life-threatening illnesses. The department is equipped with the latest technologies to give prompt response to patients of all ages. It is conveniently located in proximity to critical departments such as the intensive care unit, operating rooms, and medical imaging center to facilitate rescue operations by the right physicians and the appropriate departments in crucial moments.
Our Services:
Emergency doctors provide care for serious medical problems, including life-threatening injuries such as:
- Breathing difficulties
- Head injury
- Severe bleeding, especially vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
- Unconsciousness
- Chest pain
- Severe abdominal pain
- Weak sudden appearance
- Sudden appearance slurred speech
- Loss of vision
Urgent care aims to provide treatment for non-life threatening medical problems that cannot wait until the next day such as:
- Fever
- Minor trauma (such as bruises, sprains and minor fractures)
- Diarrhea, vomiting or pain with urination
- We serve emergency patients of all ages who visit the department or are transported by the Red Crescent to our facility.