Endocrinology Fellowship Program

Dr. May Faisal H. Semilan
Endocrinology Fellowship Program Director
Consultant, Endocrinology
Fellows on Board

Dr. AbdulMueez Moohialdin

The application will be through the Saudi Commisssion For Health Specilates.
You must apply at least before 60 days in advance
For Saudi: SR 2000
For Non Saudi: SR 2100
You can contact us through the email or Extention
A clinical attahments or shadowing are not allowed in our hospital
The internship only for the Medical students who graduated from College of Medicine.
1- Application provided from GME
2- Letter from College (Intern) / Hospital (Resident)
3- Personal photo 4*6
4- The email: Snogali@imc.med.sa
Consultant, Endocrinology
Consultant, Gastroenterology
Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynecology & IVF
Consultant, Oncology
Consultant, Neurosurgery
Consultant Anesthesiologist Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management
Consultant, Emergency Medicine
Consultant, Family Medicine
Consultant, Internal Medicine
Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal and Fetal Medicine and High Risk Pregnancy
Consultant, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery
Consultant, Pathology
Consultant, Pediatric
Consultant, Medical Imaging
Consultant, General Surgery
Consultant, Urology
Consultant, Otolaryngology / Head & Neck Surgery