Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors
The International Medical Center (IMC) family welcomes you to a unique organization, one that treats its valued patients as whole: body, mind and soul.
Walid Fitaihi MD, MPH, FACE, FACP
Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors
I believe that the universal order was created in a way that naturally rewards all those who align their intentions and actions with its underlying principles and laws. The true challenge is for each of us to understand the universal order and commit our lives in their totality to its timeless and eternal principles and laws. Justice, fairness, respect, honesty, humbleness, compassion and integrity are but to name a few.
The life mission of the IMC is to revive and live the eternal and timeless divine paradigm. The rewards attained by living such a life as an individual and as an organization will definitely and with no doubt puzzle, astonish and dazzle all those who align their lives with the continuously changing world of political, economic, social or cultural forces instead.
As a member of the IMC family, you are now an integral part of the legacy we intend to leave on earth as an organization. I would like to invite you to a unique organization, a whole paradigm organization, where we treat you as a whole.
Your Body: To be treated kindly with full respect and dignity.
Your Mind: To learn, to grow and develop your mind and to be used creatively.
Your Soul: To leave a legacy through the IMC by serving human needs in principled ways.
With your assistance we can add a chapter in the history of medicine and the art of healing by developing, implementing and practicing our new vision in healthcare and leave a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come.
Welcome to the IMC family.
Walid Fitaihi,
Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors
Walid Fitaihi