IMC becomes the official medical partner for Al-Ittihad club

IMC becomes the official medical partner for Al-Ittihad club

he International Medical Center (IMC) has signed a partnership agreement with Al-Ittihad Club, under which IMC becomes the club’s official medical partner for five years. The agreement involves offering exceptional sports medicine services that go beyond regular treatment, aiming to develop a comprehensive support system for athletes, in line with IMC’s vision of creating a unique model of holistic healthcare.

The partnership agreement was signed by Dr. Walid Fitaihi, Chairman and CEO of the International Medical Center, and Engineer Loay Mushabi, Chairman of Al-Ittihad Club.

Dr. Fitaihi expressed his happiness with this partnership, which strengthens IMC’s list of distinguished local and international partnerships. He also highlighted IMC’s excellence in sports medicine, alongside its leadership in various precise medical specialties and advanced surgical and therapeutic procedures.

Dr. Fitaihi stated that this partnership brings together two prominent names from the healthcare and sports sectors. It reflects IMC’s commitment to the highest standards of healthcare, alongside Al-Ittihad Club’s long-standing sporting legacy and wide fan base. He added: "At IMC, we do not view this partnership as a short-term investment limited to the contract period, but rather as a sustainable project through which we hope to contribute to creating a rich experience in the sports sector that benefits Al-Ittihad Club in the long run."

Dr. Fitaihi concluded by saying: "It is well-known that Al-Ittihad Club holds a significant place and value in our community. Therefore, we see this partnership as part of our mission toward our community and the sporting activities that are integral to the well-being system we seek to promote both in awareness and practice."

On his part, Engineer Loay Mushabi, Chairman of Al-Ittihad Club, welcomed IMC as the club’s medical partner, noting that IMC is a leading national medical institution offering high-quality healthcare services and advanced capabilities. He confirmed that this partnership will involve many positive and interactive aspects over the next five years.

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